Photographer - Alex Titarenko

The Photographer called Alex Titarenko was born in 1962 in Russia as a Russian artist and photographer, he then became a neutralised american.

At the age of 15 Titarenko became the youngest member of an independent photo club Zerkalo, then later went on to graduate with honors from from the department of cinematic and photographic art at leningrad's institute of culture.

The image above is one of Titarenko's most famous pieces, where people are walking up some steps and touching the railing to the side. This could of been created by having a long shutter speed that then captures the movement of the people walking and touching the railing. The method that is used creates an image of what can look like a monster making its way up the steps with multiple hands and legs that pause for the right amount of time to show them in more detail. The image has been captured off centre resulting in there being more in the image even when the image it self is only square. 


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