Carousel Media - 27/09/17

Media carousel day

Yesterday I had a taster of Media, I ended up generating an advert about a BIC pen that has 4 pen colours in one, so it wasn't no ordinary pen resulting in it needing an ad that showed off that it was a 4 in 1.
The class started of in 4 groups and discussed ideas for the advert, how it would be lighted and shot. Then the groups got together and pitched their ideas for the class to then choose what they thought was the best idea to then create the ad and piece it together. The class ended up on deciding my groups idea (mainly Heathers idea). Next we then assigned everyone to a task, I was assigned to controlling the main camera. The camera I was manning was the main shot for the advert as it was the wider shot on all of the actors and then became the narrow shot on the main actor who had the BIC™ pen. The process of making sure everyone was in there place and doing what they was supposed to be doing.


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