Analog 3D project test Summary - Unit 6

I have completed a test for a analog 3D idea where I took an image of a random persons face, mounted it on foam core and then cut a section out of it to then show a layer below which was the part of the skull that would be behind that part of the flesh. Then I cut another hole in the skull part which also was mounted on foam core to then have the brain behind it to show the layers of a humans head. The effect seems as if the head has actually been cut into to show the other layers that you don't see, unless you are a doctor. The foam core also adds to the layering as it then shows depth and that the layer is behind another layer or in front of one.
Creating this had its difficulties as there was only one take on cutting through the foam board and image and getting the positioning right for each image to then show through. The cuts are perfect on this piece so it wasn't going to be nor was intended to be a final piece, but more of a proof of concept.


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