Pinhole/Camera-less Photography

Pinhole cameras (aka Camera-less photography) doesn't use a camera at all, but uses a light tight box with a single sheet of light sensitive paper held inside on a side that is opposite to a small opening that has a flap covering it to not always be allowing the light into it and ruining the paper inside.
When you want to take an image of something you have to make sure that the box is as still as possible, preferably on a solid floor or object so that it wont move at all other wise the image wont come out clear, it will come out blurred. Then you need to estimate how long you will expose the paper to the light for, if there is a lot of light and the sun is out then you need a shorter time, like 15 seconds, but if there is not as much light then you need to do it for a longer time like 45 seconds or even more depending on the amount of light.
Image result for pinhole camera shoebox

Once you have exposed the paper to the light you need to take the box to the dark room and then develop that image to then see the negative that is produced. you can then change the image from a negative to a positive easily by taking the negative and another light sensitive piece of paper and then sandwich them together shiny side to shiny side and then expose light to them with an enlarger for around a 100 seconds. Then develop that light sensitive paper and you will then have the positive of that image.


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