Graphic design - 10/10/17

The design cycle -
A client with will ask for a specific image that they want you to take, if they ask for you to capture the moment a glass shatters on the ground then you then are given a problem that you need to solve.

So you would then figure out some ideas of how to do it, then you test it and see what is possibly needed to be tweaked and changed to accomplish this image that is desired. After that you will then take a look at what you have discovered and then you try and work from that and if you have enough time then you will reshoot the image if you can to finalise it and make it as best as possible.

Golden Spiral

Golden Ratio

DPI for printing
lowest resolution for printing is 72dpi
150dpi for newsprints
300dpi for high quality

You can get different quality of images as they can have different resolutions but also different DPI.
DPI stands for Dots Per Inch.

There are different ratios that are used for poster, photos and other forms of media, some of these are: 
  • golden proportion 
  • rule of thirds
  • spiral ratio


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